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Annie Hall

A brilliant and funny demonstration of the difference between experience and meaning - and how the fact can be the same, but the perception and interpretation be very different!

Top Ten Tips on...

4 key factors that are responsible for most poor performance, and how to prevent them and set up for success using the PIMST model.

Basil in Meltdown

Any fan of Fawlty Towers will know how easy it was for the owner, Basil, to lose his cool. But...funny as it is, did it help...?

Top Ten Tips on...

How to encourage high performance and reward it - and also how to prevent it becoming a liability rather than an asset...

Donkey Buttons

A metaphor: the toy allows the donkey to collapse if it;s button underneath is pushed. Do we have donkey buttons...?

Top Ten Tips on...

10 practical tips to help you prevent getting stressed, then dealing effectively with it if it happens...
A short video offering a simple technique for saying no in a positive and helpful fashion...

Top Ten Tips on...

We're all human, and therefore likely at some point to get stressed. Here are 10 suggestions for releasing that stress sensibly...

Learning from Mistakes

Many of us might regard a mistake we've made as a significant learning opportunity...

Top Ten Tips on...

If your own mental wellbeing is an issue, these top ten tips may help...
... and why allowing yourself to be swept along the urgent conveyor belt might not end so well.