Learning Finder

This video explains the difference between a standard and a target, as performance measures, and the relationship between them and the drive to customer service excellence.
The five essential steps for dealing effectively with persistent and beligerent behaviour - a process that always leaves you, rather than them, in control...
The triangle identifies and links three key factors that together make the most impact on customer satisfaction: service, support and staff...
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This video addresses how aligned any staff member is with their organisation's practice and values - and what either can do about it if that happens....
This video focuses on the gap between performance requirements and performance delivery, and, if there is a gap between the two, how to close it.
When the customer has a complaint, you need a way of having a first response that's helpful and reassuring; this three step process will help you achieve this...

Hearst Castle

An excellent and powerful example of reversal, how changing the relationship between guides and customers generates a unique, memorable and superb customer experience.

Top Ten Tips on...

Tips to help you deal with key issues such as interruptions, emails, overload, deadlines, and opportunity costs
There are a number of styles available to managers - so how do you decide which one to choose for any given situation? This pod explains the three key factors that together, are likely to determine you management style.